What's going on Guyz And welcome back to my live workout series guys If you enjoy these videos let me know right now by Tapping that like button because I know the majority of you by the end of the workout You're not gonna be able to move so you might as well get that out of the way right now You already know it's gonna be a good workout Now lately my workouts have been live and they've been circuit style where I'm kind of hitting more than one body part at once Going for overall calories burn fat-shredding you know the deal today we're gonna do things a little different and if you like This type of routine I can incorporate more body parts but what we're gonna do is we're gonna attack your biceps and we're gonna absolutely Demolish them in 15 minutes or less now really quick guys Obviously to build muscle you need overloading and you need to work on what's called mechanical tension.


One of the three muscle building mechanisms but the keyword there is One of three now if you're working out from home you're traveling or if you don't have a lot of time There are other ways to build muscle without using a lot of weight and that's by focusing on metabolic stress which is basically is using a ton of volume in a short amount of time and that's what today's workouts gonna be like all you're gonna need is a light barbell a Few pair of dumbbells and just have the will to follow along with me You want to see the exercises you can go below and take a look in the info section on my pin comment Or you can just wait for the surprise Alright, so let's get started the first Exercise is an exercise of my own creation. It's called Mercy 30s 21s for biceps and is stupid. 

They don't work. They make zero sense 21s were never invented for your biceps. They were invented for shoulders, but that's a video for another day Mercy 30s what we're gonna do is start off with a wide grip 10 repetitions Focusing on that inside head of the biceps. Then we're gonna do 10 reps close grip Focusing on the outside head and then we gonna do 10 repetitions Neutral grip hitting both heads at the same time now, we're gonna do 3 sets So get your barbell ready water if you need it three.... two..... one, let's hit it All right grab the inside of the barbell get ready all the way up one All right neutral grip ten repetitions and go fully extend to the bottom And rest. So as you guys can see I'm using about 35 pounds of weight right now You're doing 30 reps and the goal isn't to annihilate yourself in the first set We're doing a lot of sets a lot of volumes. 

So you need to be able to keep up You should still feel fatigued You should still feel some bicep activation, but you've got to make sure you're working with a weight that you can handle throughout the entire workout Thirty thirty-five pounds is perfect for mercy thirties fully extending at the bottom all the way at the top No half reps you guys ready? Take your weight back up outside grip and go All right inside Neutral grip here we go. 30 more seconds of rest, man You feel that already, right? I mean the pump is already there. That's what we're going for. Mercy 30s guys You're hitting the outside head as hard as you can Hitting the inside head as hard as you can and you're tackling both heads with a neutral grip It's all about just you're trying to burn out your biceps trying to see growth try to maximize volume with time This is the way to do it. Okay.

 It's about being smart with your training It's only 35 pounds, but my biceps are already starting to feel pretty damn sore. It's great. I love it All right, 30 seconds is up already Let's get back into position to grab your barbell and this is what 30 seconds really feels like guys, here we go It hurts here we go the First exercise is done. Mercy 30s are complete one-minute rest move on to the next exercise So guys like I said Mercy 30s are an exercise of my own creation And I created the exercise because too many of you were doing 21 thinking it's a great exercise for biceps There's really nothing to gain from doing half reps From here to here and here to here like you're doing 21s. I used to teach them I'll admit it and then I got smart and I realized it was a garbage exercise Mercy 30s working the inside head and outside the head, through a full range of motion Three sets of that and my biceps are already pretty smoked That's what short rest periods will do for you now for the next exercise We're gonna focus on the outside head and we're gonna do hammer curls But turn your hand in when your arms out like this You're hitting more of the brachialis right here As soon as you turn your hand then it actually changes what muscles you're working and you get the outside head of the bicep So I'm gonna grab 25 pounds Let's get ready to get started we're gonna do eight reps Here we go Turn your hand in the lock it in place and go fully extend, flex that tricep Come on Come on. 

Come on one more Switch hands, let's go. Now that was actually a little bit too light for me so I'm gonna bump it up to thirty pounds for the next set Here we go It's always good to have multiple pairs of dumbbells around in case you have to go up or down and we want to push ourselves and as you can see We haven't really gone over thirty maybe forty pounds max And you can find thirty to forty pounds no matter where you are at Home at a hotel or at a gym. You can do this workout All right, get ready two more sets And go oh yeah that feels better flex and squeeze at the top squeeze your biceps Hit that outside head And rest 30 seconds a lot of times you guys go to the gym and you think you're doing short rest periods you think you're doing a 30 second or a 60 second rest period but unless you're actually Timing it you'll be very surprised to find out that most of you are probably resting two and a half to three minutes in between your exercises. 

Especially when at the gym because that's just what happens if you're talking to people around you sometimes that's okay but if you're on a schedule or if you're trying to do a program that has a lot of volumes those short rest periods are very important All right guys last set here we go Eight reps and you'll notice my elbow, for the most part, is staying in one position as I move my forearm up and down Come on switch sides here we go. All right one more rest period, we'll rest for one-minute move on to the last exercise Which is going to be a single-arm bicep curl, but we're gonna do one on at a time all eight reps and we're gonna do is focus on going up to the top and then Supinating as hard as we can try to get more peak activation of that inside head Okay, so palm facing forward as you come up Twist as hard as you can really get some peak activation 30 seconds left grab some water if you need it If you're feeling like maybe have a little more juice in the tank than you thought you would have Increase. 

The weight challenge yourself have a few pairs of dumbbells ready So that it may be if you went too heavy you can reduce or if you want to light you can quickly Increase and you don't have to wait until the set is over if you hit two or three reps, and it's too light Drop the dumbbell pick up a heavier one All right, get ready Curl it up and then twist the top all the way down all the way up twist the top Switch hands and this was a little deceiving because you're spending more time Twisting at the top that the first three reps might feel a little too light But by the time you get to the end it evens out Come on guys put the dumbbell down that's a 20-pound dumbbell that feels just about right for me. Here we go thirty seconds of rest, so you'll notice I'm Not Going to the top twisting and then dropping right away and a lot of people do that when they supinate in Order to really activate during supination. You have to get to the top supinate and squeeze and Then bring the dumbbell back down but also control the descent the entire way And then fully extend and so you get a tricep flex at the bottom Alright pick your dumbbell back up Eight more reps two more sets. 

Here we go nice to Come up squeeze If it hurts by the time you're done you're doing it right, here we go Whoa one more set to go thirty seconds rest Man Biceps are feeling real thick all that blood in there guys. It's important to get the pump is gonna help us stretch and tear the area even more So it's important that you go full range of motion flex and squeeze on every single rep We got one set left if maybe you were going a little too light now's your chance to bump it up a few pounds and finish strong all right six seconds left of the rest Here we go the Last set. Here we go eight reps come up twist squeeze, whoa And that's it. Oh, man that actually hurt a lot So there you have it a fifteen-minute at home at a hotel at a gym wherever you want to do it 15-minute muscle gain biceps workout now will this replace lifting traditional heavyweights in the gym? Yes, we will see muscle growth here Overloading is still key but on those days where you're short on time, or you just can't make it to the gym.

This is a nice alternative that still gives you a great pump and gets some metabolic stress in the area Which will help with overall muscle growth as well so there is more than one way to train if you have any questions about the workout or how to modify it just post a comment down in the comment section below be sure to tap that like button if you enjoyed the video and as always More good stuff coming soon See you guys. If you guys enjoyed today's workout and you want more real-time training. Click the playlist link over here It'll bring it to all my real-time workouts But for those of you, we're looking for a full 12-week program Click the link below download my app and try any of my muscle building programs for seven days free with code MS7.