Quick Shoulder Building Workout

How's it going, everyone? Today I'm going to run you through my meanest shoulder workout. The goal of today's shoulder workout is to build those big, round shoulders. This workout is gonna be super tough. We're gonna be doing drop sets, supersets, triple drop sets, and static holds. So get ready and let's get started. So we're gonna start off this shoulder workout by doing military dumbbell press. Each set, I want you going up in weight and that is why there are getting lower. 

My last set is going to be a triple drop set. Each drop set, I want you going to complete failure. Now we're going to be jumping into a superset. We're going to be doing seated military press with a barbell and then we're going to be going into seated dumbbell side raises. We're going to be doing four sets of 10 reps on the press, and then four sets of 12 reps on the seated side raise. So I want you doing these exercises in a squat rack with safety racks. You want the safety racks about shoulder height because what I want you doing on the side raises with the dumbbells is going all the way up until you hit those safety racks. 

Then, you're going to be setting down the weight doing a drop set, going to failure again. Then after you hit failure on the second drop set, I want you going up and just holding it into a static pause, squeezing the whole time for around 20 seconds. Now on the static pause, I don want you having any weight. It's just your arms going all the way up, squeezing, just pressing all the way up against those safety racks. Now we're moving onto barbell front raises. We're gonna be doing four sets of 10 reps, but every single set we're gonna be doing a drop set. Now when you're doing the drop set, just go to complete failure. 

That should be around six to eight reps. So now we're moving onto a seated military press with a cable. We're going to be doing four sets of eight reps on one arm, then we're gonna be doing eight reps on the other, and then eight reps together. So when one arm is working, the other arm is just holding that stretched position. The benefit of doing this is keeping time under tension. Even though the weight is down here where you're stretching, that muscle is not getting much rest at all. Whatever arm I started with the first time, then the next set I would swap it around. That way one arm is not going to be more dominant than the other. Now we're moving onto a cable side raise. We're going to be doing four sets of 12-15 reps. 

I like to do this learning because you keep tension in your shoulder the whole time. I like to actually get the cable in between my legs. I feel it hits my mind-delt a whole lot more. Make sure you hit failure so you'll fail all way for the 12-15 rep range and then bang out partials. And again, whatever arm you started with on the first set, on the second set you need to start with the opposite arm. Now we're moving onto rear delts. We're going to be doing cable rear delt flys. Four sets of 12-15 reps, on the last set I want you doing a triple drop set. For this exercise, I want those cables all the way up high and you're gonna cross them over. 

Now, I see too many people going too far back. So when you're doing this exercise, I don't want your elbows going past your torso. You want to keep all tension in your rear delts. (energetic rock music) So we're finishing this shoulder workout with a giant set. We're gonna be doing front raises with dumbbells. 10 reps and then you're gonna be going 10 reps side raises. And then immediately into an incline bench prone dumbbell reverse fly for 10 reps. We're gonna be doing four sets of this giant set. So we're gonna be using the same weight for the front raises as you will with the side raises. 

When you move onto the reverse fly, I'm going to have to drop the weight by just like five pounds. When you're doing the dumbbell front raise, your palms are going to be facing down when you come up. So just twist down and your pinky is going to be a little bit higher than your thumb. For the benefits of doing a reverse fly on an incline bench, is you can't use momentum. It's all in the rear delts. So if you completed this shoulder workout, great job because this was intense! I recommend you doing this workout maybe like once a month. I wouldn't suggest doing it every week because it's such a high volume. Full breakdown to this workout.